
Hi friends! Thanks for visiting my blog; I'm sorry I am not very good about updating it, but I'm trying to fix that ASAP.

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I miss you all, and you should come visit me. Thanks and gig 'em.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Easter Break 2010- Nice

Getting to Nice, France was when our traveling problems started. We went to the train station and got on a train from Florence to Milan, which is where we were supposed to catch a train into Nice. The train system in France went on strike for the 3rd time this year… yes this year, and it’s only April… while we were traveling. Eventually we got on a train to Nice but it wasn’t until the end of the day, and we made it into France by the early evening. In Nice, we stayed at a hostel called the Pink Lady, and it lived up to its name. A little lady dressed in all pink who didn’t speak any English showed us to our room and gave us our key.

The beach in Nice was absolutely gorgeous! We went for a hike; ok it was more like a walk, up to the top of a hill that overlooked all of Nice. We spent a couple of hours just sitting at the top of the climb overlooking the beach and playing cards (the deck of cards we bought in Venice which is officially almost destroyed now).

Fun things that happened in Nice: we met a couple of guys from Texas in our hostel. They went to UT, but we didn’t hold that against them. He knew one of my friends Andrew Frimprong, which reminds me, I need to tell Andrew about that. We also met a very interesting man from the Czech Republic. Our first encounter with him was when we went back to our room at 8:30 p.m. to cook dinner and he was lying in bed trying to sleep. He then told us that we were fat because we were eating after 6, and then he got out of bed to introduce himself and he was just wearing a Speedo and t-shirt… AWKWARD. We referred to him as creepy Czech man.

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