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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Back to Traveling- A trip to London and Wales

Charlotte and I planned this trip while we were still on our backpacking trip, and for some reason I didn’t think it would happen, but it did. Chloe (our friend who went backpacking with us) goes to school in Swansea Wales this semester, and we were very excited about getting to visit her and see her school. We found a super cheap ticket on RyanAir and were on our way to the UK.

I have never been so glad to be somewhere where I understood the language. It was so nice to be able to understand announcements on public transportation, and be able to ask anyone for help… ahhh English. To get to Wales we took a bus from Vienna to Bratislava, a plane from Bratislava to the London Stransden airport, a bus to Victoria London, and finally a bus to Swansea. Yes, it was a very long day. Swansea was so cool. There is an actual campus there with dorms and everything, something I had almost forgotten about here in Vienna. We went to a dance club that played the BEST MUSIC ever; the last song of the night was Lion King’s I Just Can’t Wait To Be King!!!! And Chloe introduced us to cheesy chips and gravy (fries with cheese and gravy on them). It may sound gross but it was delicious. While in Swansea we also found a Primart, which has amazing deals on clothes. I may have bought a few things... yah…haha.

Chloe didn’t get to come to London with us, but her friend Zach did. On Friday we left Swansea, took a train to Cartiff, and then took a bus to London. (This trip was marked by a million different types of transportation). London was amazing! The first night we were there we walked around Picadilly Circus, which is basically like Times Square. We did the New Europe free walking tour the next day, and we had the funniest tour guide ever. He was just what I pictured when I thought of crazy Brit.

We went through the National Gallery, which was awesome. I love it when I see art pieces that I know, like Van Gough’s sunflowers. We walked by Parliament, saw Big Ben (which is actually the name of the bell inside the clock, the clock is called the Clock Tower), went to a church service in Westminster Abby, walked through St. Paul’s, visited the Globe, and last but not least… ATE MEXICAN FOOD AT THE TEXAS EMBASSY! Oh I took phone booth and red double deck bus pictures too… see my Facebook, they should be up soon.

The Texas Embassy restaurant is in the place where the actual Texas Embassy was when Texas was a republic. It was a little pricy, but the food was worth it. I hadn’t had Mexican food, or cheddar cheese for that matter, since I had been in Europe.

London was amazing; it was kind of an expensive trip, but I am so glad that I went. Getting home was an adventure too. Our flight left at 6:30 in the morning, so we decided to sleep in the airport… not sketchy at all. Anyway, so we took a bus to the airport, spent the night, left at 8 (our flight was delayed because of computer problems), bussed back from Bratislava to Vienna, and I made it back in time for the final two hours of my German class.

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