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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Easter Break 2010- Paris

Paris was the last major city we visited on our trip, and it was a wonderful end to a great trip. Getting back into France was difficult, because the strike was still going on. We had to leave a day later than we had originally planned, and had to wait in a lot of lines to get a train ticket, and in the end all we had to do was go get on a train and buy the ticket on it. The train wasn’t even halfway full; I think they were losing more business than anything during this strike.

We finally arrived in Paris around dinnertime, just in time to walk to see the Eiffel tower lit up. It was an amazing! Seeing the tower for the first time was somewhat surreal to me; I couldn’t believe that I was actually in Paris.

While we were in Paris we did a free walking tour with a company called New Europe. They are awesome (I also did their tour in London). We decided to go with the cute tour guide, Tyler, and he was one of the most awkward people I have ever met. He told the oddest jokes, and never missed a chance to use a creepy pun, but we all got a good laugh out of it. We walked by the Louve, Notre Dam, The Eiffel Tower, and a bunch of statues (don’t laugh I can’t remember them all). I did learn that when statues of a person riding a horse has one leg up in the front and one in the back it means they were killed or assassinated. When the front two legs are up it means they were killed in battle, and when all four legs are down they died of natural causes. Oh, and according to Tyler, if both back legs are up they died by being thrown of a horse (insert awkward laughter here).

Apart from the walking tour, the three of us climbed to the second level of the Eiffel tower. I don’t know how many steps it was, but lets just say I didn’t feel bad about stuffing my face later that day. We went inside Notre Dam. We walked through the Arc de Triumph, and did a lot of walking around the city. We didn’t go into the Louve because we ran out of time, but I’m just putting it on my list of things to do on my next trip there.

One of my favorite things about Paris was the food. I think I gained 10 pounds while I was there, but I climbed the Eiffell tower and walked everywhere, so it evens out right? In the Latin Quarter (or the LQ as Tyler called it) there is an awesome Crepe stand, where I had not one but two nutella and bannanna crepes while in Paris. The same lady was always working, and it was an art watching her cook for a full line of people. We had the best flaffell pita from the Jewish Quarter. And our hostel had free breakfast, so we ate well there too.

Paris was absolutely on of my favorite cities, and I can’t wait to go back someday!

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