
Hi friends! Thanks for visiting my blog; I'm sorry I am not very good about updating it, but I'm trying to fix that ASAP.

I'm uploading pictures to Facebook, so be sure to check there.

I miss you all, and you should come visit me. Thanks and gig 'em.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Easter Break 2010 in a Paragraph

The WU knows how to do Easter Break; students got 3 weeks off from school. I think I might e-mail Dr. Loftin (the Texas A&M president) and suggest it. Anywho, during the 3 weeks I traveled with my friends Charlotte and Chloe. I would like to point out that I lived out of a 65L traveler's backpack for those 3 weeks, and learned I can pack light and wear the same 2 pairs of shoes for 20 days after all. We started out in Italy, going to Venice, Rome, and Florence. Then we went to Nice in southern France, next was Geneva, Switzerland. Then we went back to France to Paris, and we finished in Bern, Switzerland. Our trip was plagued with travel delays because of a train strike in France, but honestly the “bumps in the road” made for the best memories. I’m planning on blogging by city about my trip, so stay tuned! Oh yes, I put up all my pictures on Facebook, so go look at them!

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