
Hi friends! Thanks for visiting my blog; I'm sorry I am not very good about updating it, but I'm trying to fix that ASAP.

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I miss you all, and you should come visit me. Thanks and gig 'em.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Best Morning Ever

I'm writing to you from the halls at the WU. I have a class that starts in 10 minutes; it's my last class for the week. That's right, I'm done on Tuesday, be jealous.

Anyway, this morning was just wonderful. I woke up before my alarm went off, which is really weird for me. It was 7 am here so it was midnight on Texas time. I thought that Mark was probably still awake, so I talked to him for a little while. Then I got ready for school and went down early for breakfast. Background: at my housing there is free breakfast; most mornings I just run in grab a role and run to the subway. This morning I had time to sit and enjoy breakfast and I realized that I could totally pack a sandwich for lunch and no one would notice. In-fact, I watched a guy pack his bag with 3 sandwiches and no one said anything. So I had toast with jelly and butter, some cheese and bread, yogurt and granola, and then packed a sandwich for lunch. So I've eaten like a fatty and haven't spent a cent. It's so exciting! Then, I was walking to the subway and someone was handing out free chocolate (with a promo postcard), FREE CHOCOLATE!!! And to top it off it is a beautiful day outside! Oh, and the class I just finished doesn't meet again until May 18th.

I just reread all of this and none of it sounds amazing, so I guess I just woke up on the right side of the bed.

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