
Hi friends! Thanks for visiting my blog; I'm sorry I am not very good about updating it, but I'm trying to fix that ASAP.

I'm uploading pictures to Facebook, so be sure to check there.

I miss you all, and you should come visit me. Thanks and gig 'em.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Around the world in 80 days… or 3 weeks, it’s whatev

European schools know how to do Spring Break, or Easter Break, as they refer to it here. My last day of class before the break is Tuesday, March 23rd, and my first class after the break is Monday, April 19th. That is a 3 week break! And we’ve just been in class 2 weeks! When I’m still going to class in June and everyone back home is done, I might complain, but I’m in Austria!!! SO WHO CARES!!!

During my break I will be backpacking with Charlotte (a friend from A&M who is also in Wien) and Chloe (Charlotte’s friend who is studying in Wales this semester). We leave in the morning, Tuesday March 30th, for Italy, Swizterland, and finish in Paris. I’ll be home at the latest on Sunday, April 18th. Expect a blog update about it.